All puppies display destructive behaviour. This is usually a result of your puppy’s teething and wanting to chew on anything during this period or it can be due to frustration at being left alone or simply an abundance of unused energy. Puppies are full of it, mischief and energy that is. Keyword is energy! Luckily Scottish Terriers mature very quickly and these destructive tendencies seem to subside by six to eight months of age.
The best way to cope with destructive behaviour is to make sure you include at least 20 minutes of vigorous exercise and play each day to use up some of those reserves.
Scottish Terriers are sensible dogs with a good measure of intelligence. I have found that they tend to work out acceptable behaviour quite quickly and once they have learned the rules of the household they are quite respectful. Of course to keep the damage bill, in the meantime, to a minimum it is a good idea to supply your puppy with toys that they can chew on and be rough with. Then the trick is to help them learn the difference between toys and furniture!

Never let puppy chew on an old shoe, that is of course unless you are quite prepared to have them chew up your new ones, after all they don’t know the difference! For new puppies are just like crawling toddlers, anything within reach is fair game. The difference is baby will put things in the mouth and dribble on it, Scottie will put things in the mouth and destroy it! If you leave something on the floor expect it to be chewed. Of course everyone will mistakenly forget from time to time. I for one have lost several fabulous shoes, thongs, caps, wallets etc. over the years. If you catch your puppy chewing happily on something they are not supposed to, you must let them know right from wrong. Rescue the item and use a stern tone ‘NO’, show them the item ‘NO’, give them one of their toys instead and praise for playing with toys.
So when you arrive home to discover that ruined brand new shoe, that you didn’t even get to wear, don’t be tempted to go ballistic. Chances are that the damage occurred sometime ago and puppy will not know what you are on about. Your puppy may become confused and may associate your coming home with being reprimanded. This will result in puppy hiding every time you come home instead of greeting you eagerly. Leave the item untouched and keep a watchful eye! When puppy returns to the scene of the crime then you should seize the item and reprimand for the behaviour ‘NO’, puppy will know what you are talking about then.
Don't forget to check out www.calanclan.com for more Scottie info!