I have been reading a few promising articles about the wonders of Apple Cider Vinegar for dogs. I guess if you have a dog suffering from itchy skin or ears, you’ll do just about anything to help.
Apparently vinegar is a great itch-reliever, so not only is it readily available it is quite affordable and means we are helping our dogs out without more chemicals and toxic treatments.
Apple cider vinegar, has been touted to help with everything from boosting the immune system and detoxifying kidneys to helping lower cholesterol. I add 1/4 tsp to my Scottie's meals each day.
Itchy Skin
Apple Cider Vinegar can help relieve itchy skin and rashes caused by yeast and poison ivy. The best way to apply is by making a 50/50 solution of apple cider vinegar and water in a spray bottle and applying directly onto itchy spots, but NOT open wounds – the vinegar will sting if the wound is raw. If you can’t apply topically and yeast is the main concern, you can feed it in your pet’s food or water. Yeast does not do well in the acid environment that the vinegar creates. The recommended dose is 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon twice daily.
Ear Cleaner
Itchy skin is often accompanied by itchy ears – and nobody wants that. It is recommended that a cleaning regimen using half Apple Cider Vinegar and half purified water prevents ear infection.
Check your dog’s ears daily for wax and gunk.
Clean dirty ears using individual cotton balls soaked in the solution.
Swab out the ears until no gunk appears on the cotton ball.
Flea and Tick Repellant
Even the healthiest, cleanest dog may be faced by the problem of playing host to one or both of these critters. Fortunately, Apple Cider Vinegar can once again come to the rescue. Before your dog goes out, spray him with that 50/50 solution of Apple Cider Vinegar and water.
And for some added oomph, give 2 tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar in your dog’s food or water during flea and tick season. The same acidity in Apple Cider Vinegar that repels yeast, also repels ticks and fleas.
There is a warning when using apple cider vinegar internally or topically, to monitor your dog for any adverse reactions. Some dogs may need a lesser dose. Some may be too acidic already, in which case, apple cider vinegar might not be the answer.
I have a wheaten Scottie, she is three years old now and has suddenly started getting what looks like pinkish or reddish colour around her feet and a bit on the belly, she is not licking or scratching at all just discoloured. I suspect it could be related to yeast type bacteria so I am going to give this Apple Cider Vinegar a go and see if it gets rid of the discolouring. After her bath yesterday I put some vinegar in the rinse water just for her feet and belly and allowed it to air dry. I also cleaned her ears out with the 50% 50% solution. So we will see if it helps!
Does anyone know if it has to be Apple Cider Vinegar or if a generic white vinegar will do?
Check out www.calanclan.com for more Scottie info!